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Missouri Insurance Blog

Why New Homeowners Should Take a Crash Course in Home Insurance

Buying a first home often brings feelings of pride, accomplishment, and joy. It’s a step towards financial security and stability. However, homeownership also comes with increased responsibility and common concerns. That’s why many homeowners in the Moberly, MO area trust the professional and experienced team at Swartz Premier Group Insurance for their home insurance needs.

Understanding Home Insurance: A Must for New Homeowners

New homeowners often have questions about home insurance. The variety of policies (e.g., HO1, HO2, etc.) and coverage plans, such as actual cash value (ACV) versus replacement cost value (RCV), can be overwhelming. The insurance jargon can also be confusing for new homeowners. Therefore, it’s beneficial for new and prospective homeowners to familiarize themselves with the terminology and available home insurance options.

Home Insurance Solutions for Homeowners in the Moberly Area

The good news is that homeowners can turn to friendly and reputable agents, like the team at Swartz Premier Group Insurance, for all their insurance needs. If you live in or around the Moberly, MO area and want to learn more about home insurance, we’re here to help. Contact us to schedule an appointment with our knowledgeable team for the home insurance solutions you need and deserve at Swartz Premier Group Insurance today.

What is the difference between a condo insurance policy and a homeowner insurance policy?

We understand that owning a home and a condo have many similarities at Swartz Premier Group Insurance in Moberly, MO. Both have mortgages, and you are considered the owner of the residence. However, when it comes to insuring your property, the differences between the two are significant and worth noting.

Understanding the Differences Between Condo Insurance and Homeowner Insurance

When you own a condo, you own the residence and its contents. However, the building structure and its property belong to the condo owner and association. Therefore, when purchasing an insurance policy, you are limited to insuring the interior of your particular home unit. You can insure your appliances and personal belongings.

With a homeowner policy, you get coverage for not only your belongings but also the home structure itself, other units such as detached garages or sheds, fences, trees (in some cases), and anything else on your residence’s property.

Due to the differences between the two, condo insurance typically costs less premium than a homeowner’s insurance policy.

In case of liability, you may obtain higher liability coverage for condo insurance since you are closely connected to others’ property. If you are liable for causing a covered peril (such as a fire), you could be more easily liable for aiding in the repairs of the structure of the condo outside of your personal dwelling.

Contact Us Today!

For more information on condo insurance and home insurance policies, what is covered, and how much coverage you may need, we would be glad to help. Call us at the Swartz Premier Group Insurance in Moberly, MO, at (660) 263-8900 to speak to one of our knowledgeable agents and get you and your family covered, whether you live in a condo or a traditional home.

Three Reasons to Review Your Home Insurance Each Year

Your home insurance is a significant policy that can protect you from financial liability if a covered event occurs. When you first get your home insurance, the amount of coverage you need depends on your home’s value, the cost of materials to rebuild or repair, and more.

These costs can (and do) change regularly. Updating your insurance policy each year can help ensure you have the coverage you need when needed. The professionals at Swartz Premier Group Insurance servicing Moberly, MO can help. Below, we have listed three crucial reasons to review your home insurance each year.

1. Familiarity With Your Coverage

Reviewing your insurance policy helps you understand the contents of your policy. This familiarity can come in handy if you ever need to file an insurance claim. Knowing what’s covered and the limits of your coverage can assist you when deciding whether to proceed with a claim.

2. Update Your Coverage

The primary reason to assess your home insurance coverage is to update the coverage amounts if necessary. Updating your coverage helps ensure that if you ever need to rebuild your home or make significant repairs, you’ll have enough capital in your policy to cover those expenses.

3. Potential Savings

Include your insurance agent in the review process. Your insurance agent can inform you if new insurance products could save you money.

Is it time to review your home insurance policy? Contact Swartz Premier Group Insurance, servicing Moberly, MO. We’re here to answer your questions and help you decide if your policy meets your needs.

Is There a Limit to the Number of Claims You Can File Against Homeowners Insurance?

Being a homeowner comes with many responsibilities. You must ensure that the house remains in tip-top condition by maintaining the home’s exterior, making repairs, and more. Another responsibility as a homeowner is to ensure that you always keep homeowners’ insurance. While you might be lucky and never need to file a claim against your homeowners’ insurance, you never know when you might need to file one. One thing that many homeowners wonder is, do insurance companies limit the number of claims a Moberly, MO homeowner (or homeowners elsewhere) can make against the policy? 

Each Insurance Company is Different

Each insurance company is different and has its own rules, but it’s safe to say that there is a limit to the number of claims a person can file against their homeowners’ insurance. The average limit is between two and five per year. To find out what the limit is with your insurance company, you will need to contact them directly. 

You Could Pay More for Insurance in the Future

If you file excessive claims with your homeowners’ insurance company, you could end up paying a higher rate in the future, as you could be seen as a high-risk homeowner. Therefore, you should make every effort to keep the number of claims you make to a minimum. 

Reach Out To Us

If you’re interested in finding a new home insurance agent and you’re a Moberly, MO resident, you might want to check us out at Swartz Premier Group Insurance. At Swartz Premier Group Insurance, we pride ourselves on not only providing top-notch coverage but also excellent customer service. Give us a call today to be provided with a quote before we assist you with getting your policy started. 

Does Home Insurance Include My Artwork?

As art enthusiasts, we understand the importance of protecting your favorite pieces. Every Moberly, MO homeowner wants to ensure that their belongings are covered in the event of an unexpected loss or damage. At Swartz Premier Group Insurance, we are frequently asked whether or not artwork falls under the category of a covered belonging in a standard home insurance policy. 

What Does Home Insurance Cover?

Before determining whether your artwork will be covered under your policy, it’s essential to understand what a standard homeowners’ insurance policy generally covers. Home insurance usually includes coverage for the structure of your home, personal property, personal liability, and additional living expenses.

Does It Cover Artwork?

Usually, standard home insurance policies cover artwork up to a specific limit. However, it’s essential to understand that these limits can vary depending on the value of your artwork, so it’s always best to speak with your insurance agent about your specific policy.

What About High-Value Artwork?

If you have a collection of high-value artwork that exceeds the limit of your policy, it may be necessary to purchase additional coverage to ensure that your artwork is fully protected. Swartz Premier Group Insurance offers different policies specifically designed to protect high-value artwork.

How Can We Help?

Our expert agents at Swartz Premier Group Insurance in Moberly, MO can help you determine the value of your artwork and adjust your policy accordingly, so you can rest assured that your most prized possessions are adequately protected.

Standard homeowners’ insurance policies typically cover artwork up to a specific limit. However, reviewing your policy and speaking with your insurance agent is essential to protecting your artwork. Contact Swartz Premier Group Insurance for assistance in determining the value of your artwork and adjusting your policy accordingly.

How The Age of Your Roof Impacts Home Insurance

Anyone who owns a home needs a homeowners insurance policy. The homeowner’s insurance policy is critical to providing you with the necessary coverage to help make you whole again should there be an accident that leads to damage or liability inside of your home. One of the areas where home insurance carriers pay a lot of attention when it comes to risk exposure is the roof of your home. The age of your roof can have a big impact on your home insurance policy.

Serving the greater Moberly, MO region, Swartz Premier Group Insurance can help you understand the linkage between your home insurance premium and your roof.

Age of the Roof and the Impact

So what is the impact that your roof will have on your home insurance policy? What is the big deal if you have a home that has a really aging roof? Every home insurance carrier is going to treat your roof state differently. Some will be more open to taking on the risk that your roof presents than others.  If you have a roof that is over 20 years of age your insurance carrier may not even provide you with a home insurance offer.  

Factors Outside of the Age

There are other factors that will impact the cost of your home insurance related to the roof. These factors include:

Condition – What is the condition of the roof? Is there a lot of wear and tear?

Material – What is the roof made out of? is it metal, wooden, or slate shingle?

Shape – Gable roofs and hip roofs are the most common. Roof designs may make them more prone to damage.  

Contact Us Today

You may have more questions when you are looking to get home insurance or renew your policy. Reach out to us at Swartz Premier Group Insurance in Moberly, MO, we can assist you with the right coverage for your needs. 

How does home insurance protect someone?

Home insurance is a legitimate treaty between an insurer and the policyholder that offers protection against any loss or damage caused to the policyholder’s property. Swartz Premier Group Insurance is an insurance company that covers private residences in Moberly, MO. It is commonly referred to as homeowner’s insurance. If you are a homeowner in Moberly, MO, worry not. Don’t hesitate to contact our charismatic agents at Swartz Premier group Insurance and get home insurance matching your needs and budget. 

How does Home Insurance Protect Someone?

If you are buying a home in Moberly MO or already own a home, you need to be familiar with all the coverages available for your home. Swartzpremier Group Insurance offers home insurance coverages that protects you from the following;

  1. Dwelling coverage. In case of any hazards, this policy covers all structures of your home, including the floor, walls, built-in appliances and ceiling, and any other attached structures. It also covers perils like fire, theft, vandalism, and hail. In case of a total loss, the policy also helps to rebuild your home. In the short term, dwelling coverage should equal your home’s replacement cost. Your garage and gazebo are also insured under dwelling coverage, as long as it is attached to your home. 
  2. Liability Coverage. This policy covers bodily injury or property damage affecting a guest while in your home or elsewhere. Also, it chips in if your property is damaged as a result of a covered accident.
  3. Content Coverage. The coverage covers contents like clothing and furniture in your home when there is a covered hazard. In Moberly MO Swartz Premier Group Insurance gives the insured funds for the value of damaged items.
  4. Additional living expenses coverage. The insurance company is in a position to cover your expenses if there is a need to move and live elsewhere. This can happen due to a fire outbreak or any other disaster where your home needs to be reconstructed. The extra costs can include the hotel bill, restaurant meals, and emergency clothing. However, it is vital to note that this does not happen whenever you need a vacation. The insurance company has to figure the issue out and finally conclude that your family needs to live somewhere else as they work in your home

Are you a homeowner searching for salient home insurance in Moberly, MO to protect your home and loved ones? Please get in touch with our agents at Swartz Premier Group Insurance to get detailed information about home insurance.